We help people with movement disorders live better lives through collaborative partnerships with those who offer patient-focused education, conduct innovative research or provide unique care services.
The goals for the Movement Disorders Foundation (MDF) are the big idea and are presented as a broad qualitative statement. The strategies listed under each goal are specifics on how the foundation will achieve each specific goal.
Research is a key goal of MDF. The foundation will support innovative research that shows promise of translating into treatments rapidly and is applicable across disease categories and disease stages.
a. Fund innovation in research
b. Inform and educate our stakeholders through the many stages of research we fund.
c. Encourage publication of the research that we fund in keeping with the spirit of a truly collaborative scientific community and emphasize the importance of open access and scientific transparency.
Provide advocacy for the movement disorders community. Local and national advocacy will provide a voice and public presence for the movement disorders community.
a. Institute a movement disorders advocacy board that provides input to the MDF board.
b. Promote and facilitate initiatives within movement disorder communities.
MDF needs donors with a vested personal stake in our success and are focused on supporting various stages of long-term research, annual fundraising to support education and patient focused programs and MDF operational expenses.
a. One hundred percent of donations will go towards research, and education and patient programs.
b. Develop and fundraising plan that includes, individual champions, personal contributions, pharma partnerships, and foundation grants.
Provide a range of patient services that support both the movement disorder patients and their caregivers.
a. Our Huntington’s Disease Society of America Center of Excellence program offers an interdisciplinary monthly clinic for HD patients and their families.