To meet our mission, Movement Disorders Foundation (MDF) proposes, over the next five years, to focus on the following areas:
Expanding PD SELF
– Having first been successfully tested in a small clinical trial in 2013, the PD Self Efficacy Learning Forum (PD SELF) for Parkinson’s patients diagnosed within three years is proving to be a highly successful face-to-face program:
- Results:
- PD SELF has been provided to over 1500 PWPs and their care partners in some 13 metropolitan areas across the United States.
- Both year-to-year and longitudinal assessments consistently report improved quality life for graduates, PWPs and their care partners alike despite continued physical decline for many of the former.
- Focus over next five years:
- Expand current program to another 20 to 40 metropolitan areas
- Support development of local “PD SELF Alumni Councils,” which will help provide local support to ongoing PD SELF programs
- Develop a virtual program for mid-stage PD patients (those in cohorts diagnosed from three to seven years), likely involving an online approach with a data-driven artificial intelligence, virtual reality component, and a phone-based application
- Testing the application of the core concepts within PD SELF
(based on scientifically-based principles of self-efficacy) to other movement disorder categories, particularly Huntington’s Disease and Essential Tremor
Grant Funding - Once resources are secured, funding each year from 6 to 10 research grants, ranging in size from $25,000 to $50,000 each, for projects that have a clear possibility of working at scale, but for which grant funding is otherwise difficult to obtain to move said projects from conception/one-off testing to more reliable proof of concept. Preference will be given to researchers residing in the state of Colorado.
Expand Huntington's Disease Clinic -
As one of the first designated Huntington’s Disease Society of America Centers of Excellence, continuing to support and expand the Huntington Disease Clinic in Denver, and explore possibilities of extending its reach to the region’s HD Community.
Continue to be a Focus of Huntington’s Disease Research –
With some of the largest research enrollment globally the foundation will continue to expand both HD observational and drug trials.
Future Symposia - Continue to support and expand symposia on movement disorder categories (initially on Parkinson’s and Huntington's Disease) across the front range of Colorado